TV Detective World Series Result - Scully vs Watson

Here at The Murder Mystery Company we continue to attempt to answer the great question of which TV Detective is the best. Putting one star up against another in a series of matches and asking you to vote for who you believe should go through. The first round of the TV Detective World Series continues apace, and one of the hottest bouts yet has been concluded.

Scully vs Watson

We can now reveal that the winner is...


With little more than 60% of the vote, Dana Scully proves that in the battle of sidekicks, it's really anybody's fight.

Watson is out, much to the disappointment of Sherlock himself who has been waiting patiently in the Winner's Enclosure since he gave Jonathan Creek a sending off back in May.

Scully has suffered her own heartache of course, having watched her partner Fox Mulder roundly sent packing by Diagnosis Murder's Mark Sloane back in May 2012!

So the rest of this contest will be about her proving that there's space in the world of TV Detection for reason, science, cynicism and a propensity for being knocked unconscious at crucial moments.

If you can't wait for the next match, take a look at what we're doing when we're not doing this!

TV Detective World Series Result - Mulder vs Sloan

And the results are in! The TV Detective World Series opening round has claimed another victim! Fox Mulder Vs Dr Mark Sloan

They have been checked and verified. Then they were forgotten about for a while and finally found behind the fridge. We can now announce that the winner is...

It was a close call, and the author was even accused of leaving the vote open longer than usual in the hope Mulder could catch up but to no avail - Sloan took just over 60% of the vote and joins other first round winners in the winner's enclosure.

Mulder shocked everyone when the result was announced by claiming conspiracy, and started shouting at the judges about secret drug tests and time travelling vote rigging aliens.

Sloan took this outburst well. He chuckled like the world's grandfather, produced a lollipop from his lab coat sleeve, ruffled the young pretender's hair and said "Oh, Mulder. You and your conspiracies..."

Mulder retracted his complaint and left the arena contented, sucking noisily at his lolly.

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